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Contact Information

Linganore High School
Student Services
12013 Old Annapolis Road
Frederick, MD  21701 
Main (227)203-3508
Fax (227)203-3594

CEEB:  210543

Office hours:
Monday - Friday
7:15 - 2:30

Jacobi Martin 

Aleshia Rohrer 

Department Chair
Jessica McDonald

Kelly Schwartz

Renata Emery

Student Support Teacher
Mary Johnson
227-203-3500, ext 55142

Kim Failor
227-203-3500, ext 55022

Department Secretary
Christine Cline
227-203-3500 ext 55015

Department Secretary
Lisa Martinazzi
227-203-3500 ext 55036

Student Services 

Need to meet with your counselor? Click HERE

Students who wish to meet one-on-one with their counselor should complete the above Google Form. In-person and google meet appointments, when necessary, will be scheduled during student non-academic classes when possible. Passes will be distributed to students as soon as their counselor is able to meet with them.


Counseling Connection Newsletter - weekly news, opportunities and information. Delivered weekly through SchoolMessenger.  

The student services department encourages and appreciates parental involvement and input, and will coordinate parent conferences with classroom teachers. A counselor will frequently request appointments with students to discuss academic or social concerns.

  • Students wishing to talk with a counselor should stop by the counseling office before school or during lunch to request an appointment.
  • All information you or your child tells the counselor remains confidential with the counselor unless there is potential harm to your child or others.
  • We look forward to working with you this year. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to call us.

In a comprehensive developmental counseling program, with the direction of the school counselor, students will develop the following competencies:

Academic Development
   Students will:

  • demonstrate the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.
  • complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community.

Career Development
     Students will:

  • demonstrate skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.
  • employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and satisfaction.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work.

Personal/Social Development
     Students will:

  • demonstrate the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.
  • make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals.
  • demonstrate an understanding of safety and survival skills.
  • demonstrate an understanding of bullying, including prevention skills and appropriate intervention.

These counseling services are delivered through:

  • Classroom Lessons
  • Small Group Counseling
  • Solution Focused Brief Individual Counseling