What is Go Talk Now?
According to their website, "Go Talk Now has all the essentials of an effective AAC app, like adjustable page layouts, customizable navigation, recorded and text-to-speech capabilities, and an included symbol set. Newly included with NOW are the Core word communication pages. Core vocabulary refer to a small collection of words that make up the majority of words used in daily communication."
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GoTalkNow News 1/9/24
If you have an issue with GoTalk NOW, specifically if there is no text-to-speech playback, this sometimes occurs after updating the iPad OS. To fix this issue you need to re-select a voice from within the app.
• Open the app and navigate to the main menu screen
• Tap on Downloads
• Tap on Text-to-Speech Voice Shop
• Choose a voice from the list. When selected it will show a checkmark
After choosing a voice, the text-to-speech playback should work.