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All student passwords will be reset to their Student ID on Aug 1.
All students in grades 3 - 12 will be required to change their password after their initial logon.
This will be the only time they are required to change their password for the 2022/23 school year.
Starting August 1, students will need to use their Student ID as their initial password and they will then be required to change their password to something more memorable with the following restrictions;

Students in grades PK-2:

  • Minimum password length is 3 characters.
  • A password change will not be required.

Students in grades 3-5:

  • Minimum password length is 5 characters.
  • A password change will be required upon their first logon after July 31.

Students in grades 6-12:

  • Minimum password length is 8 characters.
  • A password change will be required upon their first logon after July 31.

Password Complexity Requirements are as follows:

  • Passwords may not contain the user's Account Name or Display Name.
  • Student’s cannot use a password they used from previous years.
  • The password must contain characters from three of the following categories:
    • Uppercase letters (A through Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a through z)
    • Numbers (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphanumeric characters (special characters): (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

All accounts have a minimum password age of 1 day, so students will only be able to change their password, on their own, once per day

Helpful Tips and Tricks

  • See video below on what the password change process looks like.
  • How to remove saved passwords that contain the old password - Saved passwords are one of the main causes of account lockouts. Removing saved passwords will keep you from using the old password and then locking out your account.
  • How to remove a Chromebook profile - If you are having trouble logging into your Chromebook after a password change, removing the profile may help.
  • Student ID number can be found on the student report card.
  • Three incorrect password attempts will result in a locked account.
  • Examples of how to help a student choose a password.
    • For 3rd -5th graders - choose a word, the name of your pet, your favorite sport or activity.
    • For 6th - 12 grade students - Choose a word or two and then modify the word.  
    • For example - playsports could be modified to pl@ysp0rts to be an acceptable password.

Do You Need Assistance?

  • Parents/Guardians who have questions after the password reset on August 1 should contact their child’s school.
  • New FCPS students who have not received their username will be provided that information from their school.
Video file