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Please send all attendance related information to

Please continue to call the front office at (227) 203-1460 or email for all dismissal changes prior to 3:00 p.m.  


Research is clear on the fact that attendance patterns and punctuality have a direct impact on a child’s achievement. Please make every effort to support your child's program by having him/her in school. When your child is absent from school, it is the policy of the Board of Education to write a note to the school indicating the reason and the date of the absence. A parent or guardian must sign notes. Attendance is very important to us and will be closely monitored. At the end of every month student attendance will be reviewed.   Letters will be sent to the parents/guardians of students with a high rate of absenteeism.

  • If your child is out for an extended period of time the school may request a note from the doctor.
  • If your child cannot go outside for recess the classroom teacher must be notified in writing.
  • If your child is unable to participate in physical education classes due to injury or illness, a note from your physician must be presented to the physical education instructors.
  • Of special note, days when school is in session for only a half-day of instruction (conference days, inservice days, etc.) a student is considered absent for the entire day if he/she is not in school.


A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in the classroom by 8:30 AM for Magnet School and 9:00 AM for regular school. If your child is late, he/she must report to the office for a late slip. A note or explanation for the tardiness should accompany your child.

If you need to have your child(ren) dismissed before the end of the day, the office must receive a note or phone call. The note should state the reason, the time, the date and the signature of the parent. Parents must report to the office to meet their child in order to sign him/her out.

For your child's protection, we will only release him/her to a parent, guardian, or other persons listed on the Emergency Card. If someone not listed on the Emergency Card is to pick your child up from school, a note, signed by the parent/guardian, must be received in the office.