ASL students start by learning the basic skills of American Sign Language, which include understanding and conversing with signs and fingerspelling using the appropriate grammatical structures. Starting in the first level, ASL is the primary means of communication in a silent classroom. As the levels advance, students become more proficient in ASL, developing an expanded range of signs and increased use of expressive components. Deaf culture is imbedded in all language instruction and students are encouraged to make connections, interacting with members of the Deaf community.
Note: American Sign Language 5 is available as Independent Study.
American Sign Language 1 - 265000
This is an overview of American Sign Language (ASL), its basic vocabulary, structure, syntax and grammar. Students will focus on mastering the basics of fingerspelling, numbers, colors, facial grammar and sentence structure; students will also learn conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning-level conversation in ASL, with deaf/hard-of-hearing native users of the language. Introductory information about deaf culture will also be presented, along with deaf humor, to provide students with a broad picture of language and culture.
Textbook - Master ASL Level One by Zinza
- Welcome
- Getting Started
- Getting to Know You
- Family and Friends
- School Days
American Sign Language 2 - 265100
The course is the second in a series of courses designed to develop the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in American Sign Language. This course continues to develop American Sign Language vocabulary and sentence construction as well as fingerspelling. In addition, students will continue to refine their knowledge of the D/deaf community and Deaf education. Other relevant topics will be addressed. This is a continuation of American Sign Language (ASL) 1, covering its basic vocabulary, structure, syntax and grammar. Students will focus on mastering the basics of fingerspelling, numbers, colors, facial grammar and sentence structure; students will also learn conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning-level conversation in ASL, with deaf/hard-of-hearing native users of the language. Introductory information about deaf culture will also be presented, along with deaf humor, to provide students with a broad picture of language and culture.
Textbook - Master ASL Level One by Zinza
- Sports & Activities
- My Daily Routine
- Describing People
- My Home and Community
- Making Plans
American Sign Language 3 - 265200
American Sign Language III is the third in a series of courses designed to develop the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in American Sign Language. It emphasizes and expands on grammar, syntax, spatial referencing, classifiers, and vocabulary development. Sentence constructions will be reviewed and communicative competencies in ASL beyond the basic level will be addressed. Fluency and accuracy of fingerspelling will be developed as well as the use of lexicalized signs. In addition, students will continue to refine their knowledge of the D/deaf community and Deaf education. Other relevant topics will be addressed.
Textbook - Signing Naturally 2 - Dawn Sign Press
- Locating Things Around the House
- Complaining, Making Requests and Suggestions
- Exchanging Personal Information: Life Events
- Describing and Identifying Things
- Talking about the Weekend
American Sign Language 4 - 265210
American Sign Language IV is the fourth in a series of courses designed to develop the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in American Sign Language. It emphasizes and expands on grammar, syntax, spatial referencing, classifiers, and vocabulary development. Sentence constructions will be reviewed and communicative competencies in ASL beyond the basic level will be addressed. Fluency and accuracy of fingerspelling will be developed as well as the use of lexicalized signs. In addition, students will continue to refine their knowledge of the D/deaf community and Deaf education. Other relevant topics will be addressed.
Textbook - Signing Naturally 3 - Dawn Sign Press
- Explaining Rules
- Sharing interesting Facts
- Narrating Unforgettable Moments
- Telling About Accidents
- Making Major Decisions
- Storytelling

Becky DeLameter taught as classroom teacher and special education teacher/co-teacher at various levels for 38 years. She has taught deaf students at Marlton and Maryland Schools for the Deaf, and is currently a high school itinerant teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing with FCPS. This is her 10th year teaching American Sign Language at FHS.