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Parents are encouraged to notify the school via email at, or by phone at 240-236-8554, if their child will be absent from school. Written notification- a handwritten note from the parent or an email- stating the reason for the student’s absence is required within 2 days of the student’s return to school. Please contact the school if there are specific concerns regarding attendance.


The late bell rings at 7:30 am, students are expected to be in the classroom at this time. Students in the halls, or arriving at school after 7:30 am, will be directed to the Attendance Office for a late pass. Students will be assigned a lunch detention the day they are late unless an excuse note or email is provided. No Show for lunch detention can result in progressive discipline- after school detention, Saturday school, loss of privileges.


Students may not leave the building during the day unless prior written permission/email from parents is provided to the attendance office (exceptions would be students with internships, work-study, open campus, and other similar programs). 


Students are not permitted to check-out for lunch and return. 


Students are not permitted to bring in food from outside restaurants or order for delivery to BHS.


Students must be in good attendance standing in order to participate in athletics, clubs, dances,  and other school activities. 


Students out of class for more than 10 minutes are missing significant instructional time. This could be considered a class cut resulting in progressive disciplinary action.

Unexcused absences can affect your student’s grade and could result in failing the term and/or semester. Please see the FCPS calendar handbook for specific details of the FCPS attendance policy and/or consult FCPS Reg. No. 400-98.