Mission Statement

United by high standards, Urbana High School empowers students to achieve their full potential and make a positive difference in their local and global communities.

Core 4 Values





Important Updates

Key Dates

Use of Facilities Calendar:

February 21 Mid-Term 2-Hour Early Dismissal for Students

February 28 Club Day

March 1 Spring Athletics Starting Dates

March 7 Senior Meeting in Auditorium Block 2 (Students)

March 21 Club Day

March 27 End of Term 3 2-Hour Early Dismissal for Students

March 28 Schools* Closed for Students 

April 14-17 Schools* Closed for Students

April 18 Schools** and Offices Closed

April 21 Schools** and Offices Closed

April 25 Club Day

April 28 Spring Senior Parent Meeting 7:00 PM Auditorium

May 2 Prom 7:00-10:00 PM at the Clarion Inn FSK (Tickets Required)

May 9 Mid-Term 2-Hour Early Dismissal for Students

May 22 Last Day of Instruction for Seniors

May 23 Senior Makeup Day (only for required seniors)

May 26 Schools** and Offices Closed 

May 27 Salute to Seniors Awards Program 9:30 AM Ceremony in Auditorium

May 30 Graduation Ceremony 9:00 AM at The Knott Arena at the PNC Sport Complex on the campus of Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD (Tickets Required)

June 6*** 2-Hour Early Dismissal/Last Day of School

*BOE Determined **State Mandated (See page 40 of Calendar Handbook) ***FCPS will make up days closed for inclement weather or other emergencies in the following sequence: June 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. If no snow days are used, the last day for students is Friday, June 6. The June 2-hour early dismissal will occur on the last day of school for students. The school year will provide 180 days for students. Dates are subject to BOE revision.


Phone: 227-203-3550

Fax: 227-203-3550

School based staff can be reached by calling the school's main number and choosing the appropriate option from the call menu or by dialing a staff member's extension at any time:

1 Front Office

2 Attendance

3 Counseling Office

4 Health Room

5 Cafeteria

9 Spanish