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Our Goal is to have ALL students be a HERO!
Here at school Every dayReady to learn and On time 


8:10  Doors open for students
8:40  Classes begin (students are late if arriving at this time)
8:42  Announcements
3:10  Dismissal

We expect all children to be here every day ON TIME unless they are sick, seeking medical treatment, or have a legitimate excuse. Because attendance is directly tied to academic success, we monitor it daily and will contact you if we notice that your child is struggling to be here daily. In order to document a legitimate (legal) absence, students are required to bring a doctor's note or a note signed by a parent or legal guardian when they return. Phone calls do NOT document an absence. Thank you for your partnership and for making sure that your child(ren) are at school, ready to learn!  Please contact Administration or our School Counselor if you need support in getting your child to school.

School doors open at 8:10 and instruction begins promptly at 8:40.  The 8:10-8:40 time is a crucial part of the academic day for all students. Staff and students use this time to eat breakfast, settle into class routines, organize their materials and complete class work. Your vigilance in getting your child(ren) to school on time every day helps us to ensure they are ready and available for learning.

Vacations taken during the school year are discouraged because of the disruption to a student's academic program. However, if you have planned a vacation during the school year, please alert your child’s teacher and the principal as soon as possible.

We appreciate your partnership as we work together to help your child meet the expectation of 96% attendance.