Judy Center Early Learning Hub located at Lincoln Elementary School
Judy Center Interest Form / Formulario de interés de Judy Center
Providing Children and Families with Comprehensive Services Under One Roof
Judy Hoyer’s dream and her life’s work were to improve the lives of young children. Through the Judith P. Hoyer Foundation and the Maryland State Department of Education, thousands of young children’s lives, and their families’ futures, have been shaped and enhanced through the work of the Judy Centers, which were named in her honor.
Through partnerships with many agencies, the Frederick County Judy Center provides programs and services to all families of young children from birth through pre-k that live in the Butterfly Ridge, Hillcrest, Lincoln, Monocacy, Tuscarora, and Waverley Elementary School districts. Our goal is to help all children enter school ready to learn!
Just a few of our many activities are:
Playgroups – A great opportunity for you and your child! Weekly structured activities for parents and guardians and their child(ren) from birth to age 4 are offered at Lincoln Elementary.
Playgroup Details / Detalles del Grupo de Juego
Playgroup Descriptions in Spanish
Playgroup Calendar / Calendario de Grupos de Juego
Fun and Engaging Family Inclusive Events - Come and enjoy dinner family style, a story, and an activity with your family. Activities fall into three categories: 1) Explore w/ME! where we invite special family male role models to attend the events with their children and family; 2) Family CommUNITY Dinners, which offer fun activities for children while grownups learn about helpful useful resources in the community; and 3) Family Fun Nights, which allow your family to play, bond, and laugh and include board game night and Tony M. Music. All family engagement events are especially fun and engaging for the whole family.
Lincoln Family Engagement events - Lincoln Elementary Judy Center has a presence at all family engagement events and is happy to play with your child and connect with you!
Partnership Referrals – Call us to learn more about other programs available through the Judy Center Partnership.
Registration Assistance – We also offer assistance with registration to Pre-K, Kindergarten, Head Start, and Childcare.
For more information and a calendar of activities visit our website, twitter or Facebook:
Lincoln Judy Center on Facebook
Feel free to contact us directly with any questions.
Holly Sontz, Program Administrator holly.sontz@fcps.org 227-203-1596
Erika Rape, Family Services Coordinator erika.rape@fcps.org 227-203-1595
Interview with Ms. Kathy Allen