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Research shows that a significant contributing factor to student achievement is daily attendance. At WMS, we ask that students “fully attend” by being here each day physically ready and prepared for learning– ready with materials and ready with the frame of mind and the habits that will support their success. We realize that there are occasions when an absence is unavoidable, so parents are encouraged to notify the school in the event of a student’s absence.

Absences are either excused (lawful) or unexcused (unlawful). A written note stating the reason for the absence or tardy arrival is required within two days or the absence automatically becomes unexcused.

Please click here for the Student Attendance Procedures Reg. No. 400-70

What is an excused absence?

• Death in the immediate family

• Student illness/Illness in the family

• Court Summons

• Work activity pre-approved by the school

• State emergency

• Suspension

• Lack of authorized transportation

• Trip (pre-approved, maximum of 5 days)

When students are absent from school, they have the responsibility to ask for make-up work within two days of their return , and should check the school website for homework assignments.

What is an unexcused absence?

• Parent indifference

• Uncertified pupil illness

• Illegal employment

• Truancy (“skip day/playing hooky”)

Students with more than five unexcused absences in any grading period, ten in a semester, or twenty in a year are in danger of failing and loss of credit.


Letters of Notification

Because home-school communication is crucial to student success, it is our responsibility to keep parents and guardians informed about the status of their child’s attendance. We will send a certified letter home to our families when a student has accumulated 3 days of unexcused absences per term alerting them of impending failure. Families will be notified by mail after 5, 10, 15 and 20 days of accumulated unlawful absences. The 5th unlawful absences will require an attendance conference be scheduled and a referral to the Pupil Personnel Worker will be made. Ten (10) absence days within a semester, OR more than 15 days of absence in a year, will be considered “excessively” absent, and official documentation will be required for each additional absence. This means a note from a doctor, dentist, court official, counselor, or other agency personnel is required for all additional absences.

Tardiness and Leaving Early

When coming to school late or following an absence, a student MUST bring a note from his/her parent or guardian.

The note should contain the following:

• Date of absence or lateness

• First and last name of student

• Grade and homeroom teacher of student

• Reason for absence or lateness

• Signature of parent/guardian

If a student must leave school early, a note from the parent/guardian MUST be given to the homeroom teacher or attendance clerk upon the student’s arrival that day.

Students must check out in the attendance office when leaving and sign in when returning to school.


• Students who are absent from school will not be able to participate as a spectator or be a participant in extra—curricular school activities on the day of    

• Students who do not attend field trips or camps are expected to be in school.

• More than 5 unexcused tardies may result in a failure of missed classes.

What Parents Can Do:

• Support your child’s regular attendance.

• Be aware of our attendance policies

• Review these policies with your child

• Establish regular schedules of rest and nutrition.

• Call the school whenever your child will be absent.

• If your child does not wake up sick during the night and has no outward signs of illness (vomiting, diarrhea, a temperature) in the morning, send your
  child to school.

• Schedule appointments before or after school.

• Schedule vacations and trips around holidays and breaks

• Call your school’s counselor if you feel your child is avoiding coming to school because of stress or



Attendance Secretary: Kim Rogers 240-236-4405
Attendance E-mail:

Guidance Counselors:

Caitlin Rehm 240-236-4442

Caitlyn Reed 240-236-4481

Susan Twilley 240-236-4480

Guidance Registar:
Glenda Roberts 240-236-4479

Pupil Personnel Worker: Rebecca Brady

CASS: Angela Brown

Every student is expected to attend school every day possible. Excessive absence means that a student misses important skills needed for his or her success in school. 

Our school community believes strongly that school attendance and school success are closely related. Academic deficiencies occur when a student’s instructional program is interrupted by chronic absenteeism. No amount of make-up work can replace the quality of learning achieved in the classroom. Therefore, we encourage our students to take full advantage of their learning opportunities.


As we continue to participate in the Character Counts Initiative, we believe the pillars of trust, responsibility, and citizenship are promoted by emphasizing

good attendance. By making this a focus, strong foundational habits are learned which will have a lifelong impact. A good attendance record in school relates to a positive work ethic later in life.