​​​​​​​Absence Information/Attendance

Please remember to alert the front office (MoMS.attendance@fcps.org) if your child is sick and to send a letter when the child returns. 

Upcoming Dates


  • Jan 16/17: School closed- Teacher Work Day
  • Jan 20: School closed-MLK Jr. Day
  • Feb 17: School closed- President's Day
  • Feb 21: Mid-term, 2hr early dismissal
  • March 27: Term 3 ends 2 hr early dismissal
  • March 28: School closed- Teacher Work Day


  • MORE Dates here
New Student Enrollment

If you are looking to enroll a student please visit  FCPS Enrollment 


New Phone Numbers

Monocacy Middle School has new phone numbers.

Main: 227-203-2350
Fax: 227-203-2351



This summer, Monocacy Middle School will be hosting the FAST2 (Fun Academics in the Summer Time) program for rising 7th and 8th graders. This program is by invitation only and students who are part of the program will explore careers through enrichment activities, while building their Math and Reading skills. Please see the flyers at the links below for more information about the program, including what the program is about and the dates of the program.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Rebecca Lehman at rebecca.lehman@fcps.org or 227-203-2350 ext 43567.


FAST2 at a glance English:


FAST2 at a glance Spanish:



Sign Language Interpreters: 

Families needing a sign language interpreter should contact Mrs. Beachley at 227-203-2353 at least 10 days prior to the event.