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Visit the FCPS Media Teacher Resources page for information about 


Check out the MHS Library Media Center Course in Schoology!


  • Learn more about what the MHS library has to offer.
  • Watch book recommendations and book talks.
  • Hear about exciting teen programming through Frederick County Public Libraries.
  • Get help with college application essays, SAT and ASVAB prep, learners permit and driving test aid, and many other tests
  • Be the first to have access to contests and subscription boxes!

Students were automatically added to the course. However, if it does not appear in your "Courses" in Schoology, complete the following steps: 

How to Join: *See Ms. Weaver for the access code.** Then, go to Schoology , then "Courses" at the top. On the right hand side, select "My Courses" then "Join a Course."

Search the Catalog Here:



Research Apps/Subscriptions

CLICK HERE for database passwords and descriptions
You must use your FCPS GAFE account for access.

ABC-CLIO American Government ABC-CLIO ABC-CLIO World History: The Modern Eras
Britannica HS Britannica Image Quest
Clever FCPL
Heritage Quest


SIRS Discoverer SIRS Issues Researcher
Teacher Resources

The Hub

FCPS Research Process


AASL Best Websites & Apps