For our Grade 6-12 students, TutorMe is a free online education platform that provides on demand tutoring. TutorMe gives students access to tutors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The tutors have access to whiteboard, audio/video chat, screen-sharing, graphing calculators, and more, ready to help students.
TutorMe is a revolutionary online education platform that provides on-demand tutoring and online courses. Our platform enables thousands of tutors to share their knowledge with students around the globe. Whether your students need help with high school algebra or you want to learn how to program in Python, TutorMe has a perfect tutor for you. Want to learn more? Click on the link below for our TutorMe Hub Page.
Regular daily attendance is expected and critical to a child's academic success. Parents' support of regular daily attendance is essential. Parents are encouraged to notify the school on the day their child is absent. A note stating the reason for absence or lateness is required upon students' return, or the absence is automatically classified as unlawful until an approved note is provided. Students who were absent from school have the responsibility to request make-up work within two days of their return. For details, please see Regulation 400-98.
Families of students accumulating excessive absences will be notified routinely by letter. With continued absences, a doctor’s verification may be required for additional days beyond the monthly and quarterly maximum. IMPORTANT NOTE: Students who are granted out-of-district status and do not comply with school rules and regulations (including: attendance, truancy, tardiness, and behavior) may have their out-of-district status rescinded or denied according to FCPS Regulation 400-15.
Attendance letters can be emailed to Amy.Kennedy@fcps.org