Abilities Network/Project ACT
The Arc of Frederick County
620A Research Drive
Frederick, MD
Advocacy, resources, connections, lending library, pre-school inclusion project support groups, and family support services. Serving: Children with developmental disabilities and their families.
Big Brothers / Big Sisters
CASS (Community Agency School Services)
Intensive coordinated services to help at-risk families. Serving: Families with children in the Frederick County Public School feeder districts.
Child Care Choices
Mental Health Association
226 S. Jefferson Street
Frederick, MD
Child Care referral and education on selecting quality childcare and preschool education providers.
DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration)
Department of Juvenile Justice
The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services provides individualized care and treatment to youth who have violated the law, or who are a danger to themselves or others. Through a variety of programs that reflect the most creative, effective and efficient use of resources, the Department of Juvenile Services strives to help young people, with the involvement of their families, reach their full potential as productive and positive members of society. The Department of Juvenile Services is committed to making youth responsible and accountable for their actions. This is accomplished at the least restrictive level of care consistent with public safety.
Even Start
Frederick Community Action Agency Food Bank and Soup Kitchen
Frederick County Health Department
Frederick County Hotline
24-hour phone counseling for Frederick County citizens of all ages regarding a variety of issues, including loneliness, depression, suicide, abuse, relationships, family concerns and substance abuse.
Frederick County Department of Social Services
Frederick County Mental Health Association
Parent Information Hotline
24-hour phone line available for parents who need listening support, information and referral services.
Phone Friend
24-hour phone line available for children who are home alone, facing an emergency or have a problem they would like to discuss.
Homeless Prevention Programs
Department of Social Services
The Child Protective Services Unit investigates reports of abuse and neglect of children. If a person has a suspicion that abuse or neglect is occurring, the CPS unit should be called. During times when the Department is not open, the Frederick City Police should be contacted for emergency access to a DSS social worker.
Legal Aid Bureau of Frederick County
203A Broadway
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Provides legal assistance to prevent evictions and other housing related crisis.
Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs
100 East All Saints Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Provides emergency financial assistance and also provides funding for prescription medications.
Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing Programs
Advocates for Homeless Families
216 Abrecht Place
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Scattered-site transitional housing for homeless families; also operates the Families Forward Program.
Faith House
301 662-3032
301 662-5219 -- clothing store
200 South Market Street
Frederick, Md 21705
Transitional shelter and transitional housing for survivors of domestic violence; also operates 24-hour hotline and other crisis services; transitional housing for women and children; all guests must attend chapel services.
Frederick Community Action Agency
100 South Market Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Transitional shelter for homeless families and physically or medically disabled adults; also operates daytime shelter for homeless persons.
Frederick County Emergency Cold Weather Shelter
c/o Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs
100 East All Saints Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Emergency shelter for homeless adults; operated during the winter months of November through March.
Frederick Union Rescue Mission (Soup Kitchen) and Beacon House
(301) 695-6633
419 West South Street
Frederick, Md 21705
Emergency housing for homeless men. All guests must attend chapel services.
Heartly House
301-662-8800 / TTY301-662-1565
Heartly House assists survivors of domestic/relationship violence/abuse and survivors of sexual assault/abuse by offering crisis intervention and support services to survivors and their significant others. Available assistance includes a 24-hour hotline, crisis intervention services, emergency shelter, individual counseling, support groups as well as other services.
Other Major Resources and Programs
Frederick Families First
520 North Market Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701
Program for mothers, fathers, youth and children that support and strengthen families and communities.
Job Training - Frederick County Job Training Agency
7340 Executive Way, Suite U
Frederick, Maryland 21704
Provides a wide-range of job training and educational services
Soup Kitchen & Food Bank - Frederick Community Action Agency
100 South Market Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Serves a free evening meal Monday through Sunday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Foodbank provides a 3- to 5-day supply of food