Upcoming Events:

12/23/24-1/1/25-School Closed Winter Break (Return to school 1/2/25)

1/13/25 & 1/14/25 Hearing and Vision Screening

1/16/25 School closed for Students ( Teacher Work Day)

1/17/25 School closed for Students (Teacher Professional Learning Day)

1/20/25 Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday

Spirit wear:

         Get your new Spirit wear-We have new designs this year.....

         You can order all during the year-Lookout for discounts all through the              year.



Traditionsschoolphotography.inter-state.com order code: 92065D 

Due by March 12, 2025

Absence information:

Please notify the front office via email at BCES.Attendance@fcps.org with the reason for their absence.  If you receive a doctors note please attach in the email. Please do not use this mailbox for transportation changes.

New Student to BCES: